My Search For Purpose in College

Hey there, I’m Jack, a finance instructor at Wealthy Habits, and I’m thrilled to share my personal story of how I found purpose after years of confusion and disillusionment. It all started with my journey after high school, where I embarked on a path that led me through different majors, universities, and even a global pandemic. So, grab a seat, and let me share with you my story.

Fresh out of high school, I landed at the Rochester Institute of Technology, excited to dive into the world of computer science. My engaging computer science teacher in high school pushed me to see the beauty of learning to code. This was what I decided I would make a career out of. The university offered new opportunities, friendship, and even love. However, as time went on, I began to feel a growing sense of dissatisfaction with computer science. I liked the idea of coding, but found it harder to imagine it as my future career. Despite the meaningful connections I made, something was missing, and I yearned for a deeper sense of purpose.

Enter the pandemic. Just when life seemed to be taking an uncertain turn, I found myself back home in Georgia, completing semesters online. The remote learning experience forced me to reevaluate my decision to continue paying hefty private school tuition for virtual classes. Determined to find a new path, I attempted to transfer to the University of Georgia (UGA) but hit a roadblock due to credit hour requirements. I ultimately decided to apply to Georgia State University, and hoped I would get in to UGA once I had satisfied the credit requirement issue.

During my final semester at RIT and later at GSU, I found myself working at Johnny’s Pizza, a local pizzeria. Little did I know that this job would become a catalyst for self-reflection and an eye-opening experience. I shared a feeling of loss of direction with several of my coworkers. Their seniority over me came with wisdom they could pass down. They convinced me not to lose hope for my dream and to pursue a higher purpose than barely getting by. This converted my dissatisfaction with computer science into a blossoming love of understanding society and how the world works. This led me to switch to a field with an entirely different skillset: political science.

While my enthusiasm for political and social change initially drove me towards a political science major, I couldn’t shake the uncertainty surrounding job prospects and the practical applications of such a degree. It was during this pivotal period in my life, with the pandemic sweeping the globe, that my interest in the economics of the phenomena associated with the crisis started to blossom. I became captivated by the intricate web of economic forces and their impact on society.

With a burning desire to delve deeper into the economic underpinnings of transformative events like the pandemic, I made the bold decision to switch my major once again, this time to economics, in my application to UGA. With newfound clarity, it felt like the missing piece of the puzzle, aligning my passion for social change with a field that could provide me with a concrete framework to analyze and understand the complex dynamics of the world. Embracing the full college experience, I joined the rowing club and became a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. These experiences enriched my journey and helped me further define my purpose.

I am thrilled to share that my journey of self-discovery and relentless pursuit of purpose has led me to a triumphant victory. I have been accepted into the prestigious Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program at UGA. This remarkable opportunity will equip me with the skills and knowledge to leverage data and analytics in solving real-world challenges, ironically bringing back the coding knowledge I developed in my freshman year college experience.

If my story resonates with you, dear readers, remember that it’s never too late to explore your passions and find your true calling. Embrace the unexpected, seek out opportunities for personal growth, and don’t be afraid to change directions when necessary. Share your own stories of overcoming obstacles and finding purpose in the comments below. Together, let’s inspire and support each other on our unique journeys to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Remember, the path to purpose may be filled with twists and turns, but with determination and an open mind, you can discover the fulfilling and meaningful life you’ve been searching for. Keep exploring, keep growing, and never stop believing in your own potential.


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